My left eye is pretty well shot now due to the Glaucoma. Although I am blessed to have the other eye that works, It is not a good situation for driving so after driving motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractor trailers and doubles even small airplanes, my driving days are over. That leaves us with a transportation problem. Going back and forth to Church by private transportation is very expensive. We need a car that my wife and daughter can drive. We wanted to buy a new one but it turns out it would be about $4000 down and $3-$400 per month. So now we are looking for a used car perhaps a 2017 and up. We need to raise a downpayment of $2000 and because of the generosity of others we now have $1,167.00 Hopefully we will have low payments after that.
If you would like to help, please click the link below and give.Thank you.


We have taught the children here for some years now. They were improving each term. I decided to give incentives so anyone who got 85 across the board, grades, they would get a free Jollibee lunch. Many have won that prize.
Recently I also said anyone who got 95 across the board would get a Kenny Rogers meal. Shenir Quezada was the first to win.
We are offering the little ones P100 for straight 80’s.
If you would like to contribute to that effort, please mark your donation as such.

Our Organ started having some trouble and someone stepped up and bought us a new Korg.
Now the old one was moved upstairs and it is good enough for our students to practice on.
We also bought 25 Recorders as Malou continues to teach them to the little ones.
We still need funding for our college Fund as we have 6 college students and more to come ths year.
We have increased our feeding program to twice daily. This might be the only meals our kids receive.
God Bless you all as you bless others. |