Happy New Year- Where is God?
Good News! He is where you want Him to be.
Some think God is just for getting saved, and they pretty much ignore Him all year. Others think God does not involve Himself in the affairs of man. For those people He is right where they put Him.
In a few days we are approaching our third year of the Chinese virus. We have watched as the President promised to end it while just recently he said the Federal Government has no answers, and we should depend on the States.Every day I read about those who took the VAX and died. Young people, babies and old. I read about athletes who are now crippled for life. I praise God every day for all He has done in my life and in doing so, I acknowledge that he is in control of my life.
I can’t speak for anyone else but two years ago I got a “Fear Not” from God. He told me in my heart that no one in my Church will be harmed by this virus. Two years later we are all not touched by it. Some who got the virus might say that they got it, and they don’t believe God said that to me. Maybe they are believing that God is not near when it comes to protecting us, or maybe God let them get it for a reason. All I know is how God dealt with us.
If I wrote every miracle that has happened to us, I would not finish writing
After 15 years.
The good news is the more we practice giving God the glory, praising Him and depending on Him for everything, the more God interacts in our lives. He is not a God who we just wave to but a God Whom we embrace with faith.
Our incentive program is working. The children are getting Jollibee, 100 pesos and even Kenny Rogers for getting good grades. Children who started of with terrible grades are shining now. Our job is to raise Educated, Christian Kids who procure a career not just a job. Kids who can share the Gospel as they go into the business world.
Special recognition goes to our teachers who not only teach, but cook and visit the schools to keep up with their requirements.

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The theme was, “Jesus came for us” and it was a big success!
We did not expect to have one this year because we did not want to ask for money as we had been raising funds for the college fund. However, because of our sending Church and some very generous people God made it the best Christmas party ever.
Click Here to see!
This one is special
What a blessing! Our Carolers donated part off their donations to buy a much needed, two burner stove for our kitchen.
Click here to see!
Then they had their 3rd annual Cantata
The music was a wonderful offering to God.
Click here to see!
As I said we raised funds to keep the kids in college. In touch Ministries helped with a matching fund for $900 Another dear friend gave us $1,777.00, another $500 and there were many other gifts from some very generous people. So, our two girls will be able to go through their 2nd and half of the 3rd year. We know God is a God who is near, and He will provide the rest.
We were turned down twice for a car loan. It seems they discriminate against the clergy. They say they don’t, but they have a “policy” that donations don’t count as income. We are not rich, but our donations have increased slightly each year for the past 15 years. Pray for us please. God is near!
Boxes keep pouring in. We can hardly distribute the blessings before more blessings arrive. Our people are the best dressed in Payatas.
For all of you who support us whether it be monthly or
when you are able, whether you filled a box or sent up prayers–We thank you and ask God to focus His eyes on your generosity and bless you back.
Where is God? He is as near as you want Him.
Happy New Year!
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