Don’t Fall for Halloween!
We have such a God serving holiday as Thanksgiving, why would we then celebrate,
a Devil serving holiday as Halloween?
You might say, “Oh, no one pays attention to that.” Then I will ask, is it the same with Thanksgiving?
Do you only regard the turkey and fixings and having the day off as being nothing?
or do you regard the giver of all those things along with all the blessings you have received? Do you love the God of the feast?
By celebrating Halloween, whether you know it, you are doing the same thing.
Do some deep thinking and make sure only the God who blesses is in your life and not share Him with the other.
These young ladies need your help

At PBC we are big on education. First, Spiritual. These ladies serve God in every way.
Second, because Academics offer a way out of Poverty and a future for all fortunate enough to obtain it.
Next month is our 15th Anniversary of serving the people in Payatas. If you would, donate to the college fund.

All our kids are excelling. Little ones are getting 100 peso rewards and the bigger ones are getting Jollibee but my oldest daughter, Laura, needs some press. She was the batch rep in the University of the Philippine, but she dropped that to run for Councilwoman. She won.
She is a born leader. She teaches adult English every week at Church. She teaches a young man, violin, in Washington over the internet.
She is also tutoring 3-4 kids in our Church and has been teaching over the internet as a volunteer to help the youth in the community, There is more, but I don’t want to brag that much!
I would also like to brag on our teachers.
Our teachers give their time to help these young kids become great! They teach them Biblical studies as well as Academic. On top of that, they cook. Each class gets a breakfast and a lunch. The kids are thriving, and the teachers are rejoicing.
There is nothing more fulfilling than serving the Lord!
We are thankful for our friends in Canada who sent us
$300 so we could buy food and distribute it to the needy in our community.
Remember, if you send money for a specific purpose, we use it for that purpose.
We still have $350 in the college fund and $1600 in the car fund.
We need $2,150 for college and $400 for the car.
Our many thanks to all the generous people who have given money or sent boxes. You are always in our prayers.