The ten Commandments basically tell us what not to do. Do not steal, do not covet… Jesus said there were two great commandments. The first- “Mar_12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” The second- ” Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Our niece came to visit from Japan. She spoke some English and we taught her more. She never really heard the Gospel before. Yet she inspired last week’s sermon.
She said she never saw the love we had for each other in the Church and she felt that love towards herself. We said it is because of Christ. She started reading the Bible in her cell phone, in Japanese.
I won’t say she got saved, but I will say she is seeking God.
There is a reason for these two commandments. The first directs us with an intimacy to God and the second gives us an intimacy towards our fellow man.
It was by love that God gave His son and by love Jesus willingly went to the cross.
Whenever we show love, we show God. If you witness, do it from your heart so the person you are speaking to notices that love and is drawn.
Laura and Linda out two little missionaries.
Laura is 21
now and is graduating from the University of the Philippines with a major in Music. This is her Associates degree. She now starts her two year journey to her Bachellors degree.
She was also just elected as the President of the student council. She has top grades in the high 90’s.
Linda, who we brought here in a basket on the floor of the airplane is
now approaching 18. She just graduated High School also with high 90’s and is waiting to take a test n July 8th for the entrance exam to U.P.
Pray that God will put her where she needs to be as well as our Kisha who also took the test.
We closed off the open walls and windows with polycarbonate and we put heavy drapes up as that part of the building gets hit with the sun.
Do you know what one of the kids had to say? “Teacher Malou it’s cold!” It was also fun to see the older teens who took a nap after Church were wrapped in blankets. We really thank you generous people who help this ministry. May your lives be blessed!
We are so thankful for the boxes sent from the many places and Countries. This one came from our friends in Florida. It is such a blessing to see these snacks included. God bless you all.
We would like to thank all of our supporters for their generosity.
You are taking care of the Church as well as feeding the poor and educating our youth, God bless you as you are a blessing.