This ministry focuses mainly on the children. Although we reach out and minister to the young and old, we specialize in reaching the children as they have a greater faith and ability to enjoy whatever God gives them.
Unlike the older ones who have been jaded with the poverty situation here, The children, believe in the miracles of God
Educational Ministry
These are exciting times. We had 7 children receive Jollibee lunches of their choice.They got 85 and up accross the board.

We gave away 1 Kenny Rogers meal to Kisha and one to Linda with P1000!

Linda passed all hurdles and is now enrolled in the University of the Philippines while Laura is starting on her Bachelor’s degree.

All of our kids have greatly increased their knowledge and scores in school.
God is certainly working to give these kids good christian futures.

Box Ministry
As people around the world send us boxes of food or clothing or even household items, we distribute them to our own people as well as the needy in Payatas,

We received another box from our supporters in Canada. They have also supplied funds for food packs where many have been reached.
We have received food for the feeding and much more.

Vacation Bible School
After two years of not having V.B.S. we can finally have one by God’s Grace!
It’s called, “The Journey Off the Map” and it was created by our own, Laura Wilson. For years we have used ready made kits but this year Laura decided to save that money, design our own and reach the kids with an even stronger message.
Today was the first day.

24 years and serving God all that time.
Our God is an awesome God.
Many thanks to all our supporters. Please remember PMO/PBC with your prayers and financial support

Ptr Jack, Malou, Linda (left) , Laura (right)