That is for sure Our blessed hope. Until then we look forward to doing the work which God has given to us to do.
We will be here eight years next month
Last year we decided to have an annual SALVATION CELEBRATION instead of
anniversary. It is almost the same. We start out with our regular
Sunday service and then we have testimonies from both adults and
children. It is a heart warming experience. We have music by our very
own musicians and then we will eat a pot luck dinner followed by
contests and games. We are so happy to celebrate eight years and thank
those of you who help make this mission a success.
We look forward also to:
Christmas Caroling December 17th
Laura and Linda finishing the 8th and 4th grades (Can you believe Laura is going into High School?

The handmade violin given by a generous craftsman
will be here on the 10th of November as Missionary Kevin Trout has
generously offered to bring it here when he comes from America.
Our two college students are finishing their 3rd and 2nd years
We are praying and looking forward to receiving more violins and guitars to replace our well worn ones.
The laptop computer given to me by Pastor Abrot
is just about wearing out as the Windows XP is no longer supported it is
beginning to slow down and is open to viral attacks. We are praying to
replace it with an updated model.
We have received two donations this month which
will help us immensely. Donations are at a low but just when we start to
feel the crunch, God leads someone to give. One thing which has been
needed for two years now are new glasses fo me. I can’t wait to see what
it is like to look through unscratched lenses!
We were also able to get a printer for our home
office. Malou has been running all over doing some Corporate work that
needs completing and she would have to load her usb and go to a Internet
cafe everytime she wanted to print something out or she would have to
wait until we went to Church. Now we can print and copy!
October 3rd was a great Pastor’s Appreciation day. I truly am blessed with a wonderful Church.
We are still looking forward and praying for our PBC Compound complete
with a large Church sanctuary, school, medical clinic and outdoor arena
for evangelism. At the low cost of $5 million dollars, that should be
easy for God.
God bless all you that are praying for and supporting this work. Remember, what we do is all done partly because of you.
God Bless!
Ptr Jack , Malou , Laura & Linda