April 2017 Update
May 27, 2017June 2017 Update
June 28, 2017
Laura showing me some chords

Some of the supplies

The youth from Piddig Christian Baptist Church , learning the
Was a great success
Linda and Laura just finished their school year.
Please pray with us for the approximately $500-$550
we will need to get their new years materials.
God Bless all of you who have kept our backs in this ministry. Please know you are just as much a part of it as we are.
As we had mentioned, our organ finally died and so we had no organ music for Church, choir and seven students.We called upon the Lord and He put it in our supporters hearts to buy us another one.
Laura has resumed teaching on Wednesdays before the mid week service.
It’s that time again and our students are returning to school. Thanks to our supporters they will be returning with all the school supplies, bags, shoes, whatever they need. You must realize that without the help we get from our supporters, they would have nothing to use.One local TV station gives out large bags with a few items in it. We give full bags and also have left over that when they need something during the year, they will get it. Thank you Supporters!
We told you some about our recent vacation. After ten years we finally got a vacation. Nothing fancy, just resting at Pastor Ben’s Uncle’s house in Piddig. We did get to the beach once but lounging around doing nothing was the best vacation I could have.
I was able to preach at the local Baptist Church. (Piddig Christian Baptist Church) Our girls played on their old violins and when they were done we gifted them to the Church. Our girls also played at a Camp. Afterwards, some of the youth members came to the house to get lessons. Click the link and see how well they learned.
