No matter if you call it Easter or Resurrection Sunday the result is the same. It is the memory of Christ raised from the tomb and those who put their faith in Him are saved.
How can we insult such a beautiful and sacrificial gift by not doing our best to serve Him. We should live for Christ. Not only on holidays or Sundays but every day of our lives. We owe Him a debt we can never repay but we should let our lives shine as a constant thank you, to our Lord.
I am sitting here in Piddig in the province of Illocos Norte. It is on the upper Northern part of the Philippines (about a 4 hour boat ride to Taiwan
It is my first vacation in ten years. There is no Disneyland, No night life, no ATM’s , no
TV at the house where we are staying. I can get the internet but my desire to be on it has diminished. This is what I call a really refreshing vacation. So peaceful.
Recently our Photo site owner announced that they sold out and now we have transferred to It is another hurdle to jump as they moved all the photos but we have the job of putting them in order according to date. So, we will not be giving a link to the photos untill we get it all done.

I finished preaching in a wonderful Church here namely Piddig Christian Baptist Church. We had a good time and good food and the people are wonderful. May God touch their hearts with the message God brought.
Passover/ Communion
 This month we had the pleasure of having a combination Communion Sunday / Passover celebration. What a good experience with the Passover showing God’s plan for our redemption and the communion, remembering that redemption. We were all blessed on that day.

Something new we added to our Church this year is Sports fest. It is a day of sports games by the whole Church including the little ones.
Over 40 of our people participated in this day of fun and exercise
as usual, our people gave out tracts and witnessed to the outsiders.

We had a wonderful VBS. The children heard the word of God through crafts, skits,pupet shows, teaching and games. Even though we only raised half of the $200 we needed, I was able to use some of my vacation money to make it up.Thanks to those who gave and/or prayed.
Our children, Laura and Linda have just graduated 10th and 7th grade respectively. Both having an “A” average.
Our two College students moved on to their 2nd year. Nicole is studying for CPA and she just got a scholarship.
Anne Christine has just made the qualification for a scholarship , also.
All our children in the Elementery and High School levels have all done well and are up from last year.
We want to thank all those who keep us in Prayerful and financial supporter. All we do, we do as a team and you are very much a part in it all.