May 2016
May 26, 2016July 2016
July 27, 2016

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Church Situation
Payatas Kids Take on Schools with Tools equipped to them by YOU!
The PBC children went to school with everything they needed.. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE WHO YOU HELPED? There were children that never went to school before because the parents could not afford to get their birth certificates or any of their school needs. Don't forget, these children wear flip flops year round and in school they require shoes. In other places it's no big deal but here, it could be a days wages. We went to the Government office and applied for and received their birth certificates. Still today, Malou is going with a couple of parents to late register their kids for birth certificates. (This means they never reported it when they were born) Why do we place such importance on education? Here's two reasons: Pro_22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. When Jesus walked the earth he healed many so they could see His power and have the benefit of a normal life. Perhaps he was giving those who were hurt, an even footing with those who were whole. Baptism Our little Danica Merca, a faithful child, asked to be baptised. She has been with us for a few years now. Pray that she grows well in the Lord. Danica is the girl on the left shown here with Vanesa (other child) and Charlene COLLEGE Please pray for two of our young ladies. They have finished Bible college and are now continuing their education. Nicole will be studying to be a C.P.A. and Anne Christine with be studying to be an English teacher. PBC MUSICIANS NEW MUSIC VIDEO Our musicians are working on 15 songs to create a new music video. Pray for them that they will show others what God can do in the lives of those who obey Him. ![]() |

As a rule, Churches grow to 85% of their capacity. We consistently go over that. Please pray for the PBC Compound. It is not a little request of God. It is a big one. We want to minister with 2-3 services in a large Church every Sunday. We want to bring first rate education to those who are following Christ.
We want to bring back the medical facility to help those who can't afford help.
For all you who have supported this ministry-THANK YOU, from all of our hearts. We hope we made you proud and also that you know that everything that gets done, you are right here helping it to happen.
If anyone of you is considering giving us some crumbs from your table:
May God bless you as you have blessed others

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