Next month we will have been here for five years . It’s so hard to believe that we have been gone for so long.
Our mission is going so great as it develops into the vision we had for it when we started .
We have brought the gospel to thousands of people . We have
built a strong Church with 99% of our members knowing how to present the
Gospel and do so on a daily basis.
Life lessons are learned and moral compasses are set.
Here are a couple of examples
Just the other day Our Deacon, Joel Austria was heading to
the doctor to get his back checked out. He had been having pains and
thought perhaps it was a lung or kidney problem. As he was crossing a
foot bridge across the main road he noticed a homeless man down below in
the high grass. He went over to talk to him but the man was incoherent.
Deacon Joel found out from a nearby security guard that the man was
there for two days and although the guard said he had called the
authorities, no one had come to help. Deacon Joel knew that was
unacceptable so he started calling, radio, TV stations, traffic
regulators and anyone else that he could, eventually, the rapid response
team (yes, I laughed also) arrived and they took the man away.
Later our Deacon told me he was not willing to help the man
but remembered what I taught in church which was, if your initial
feeling is to do something and then you find that you are arguing with
yourself about why you should not, just do it as you are arguing with
the Holy Spirit.
Most of the time in real life we do not want to do what is
right. Someone broke down with their car in the rain, A woman carrying
too many groceries and could use help. Yes, it is an inconvenience but
if we all did what was inconvenient, we might find less problems in this
world. Have you ever arrived home to find out that someone helped your
spouse or child? What goes around comes around.
Last week a politician put up a huge sign directly across
from the church, blocking our salvation message we had painted on the
It was an ad for teaching but there was no contact number and
the sign was filled with photos and names of politicians. It was easy
to see that it was just a blatant attempt at advertising politicians so
I asked Deacon Joel and he went to the Congressman’s office and got him
to remove the sign.
Here in Payatas there are a million things to do to continue
the mission and have it run right. Preaching the Gospel is always first
and foremost and we also preach Jesus by helping the people. Whether we
teach their kids or get them rice or water, we show Jesus in everything
we do.
Go here to see our latest Blogs on our fight for the schools, running water, poor roads and more…CLICK
Developing Children is our main focus here Every Saturday
our class to teach reading is packed. (Please pray for a building which
is much needed)
On Wednesday’s we teach reading. We have children as old as
fourteen who do not know how to read. Children who have slipped through
the cracks because of poverty and corruption. Pray that we may have the
resources to help give them their future back.
Children are being refused admission into the schools because of over crowding.
Our members are meeting the challenge as we now have those
who are teaching Math and computer as well as music. Some of our
children already have learned to play songs on the guitar.
One of our children in church took a test in school and it
was everything my wife had taught him at church. He is confident that he
did well!
We do all we can to be salt and light in this place and we
are still praying for the Payatas Baptist Compound that will house a new
Sanctuary, School building, Medical clinic and more, God willing,it is a
mission of love that will not happen overnight but will take years.
PLEASE! If you want to help a mission that is doing
incredible things through God, please go here to sign up for monthly
deductions or a one time gift.

Please take a look at our new blog to see how life is in Payatas first hand.
Click here for Blog