It’s Almost Over
One more month to go and it’s finished. 2011 will be no more, never to be seen again. All the things you might have wanted to do but did not,will have gone with the ending of the year.
We should all ask ourselves these questions:
Did my life make a difference to someone?
Have I contributed in some way to make this world a better place?
Have I been an example to my own family knowing it is not what we say but what we do that sticks with them?
Are the resolutions you will make next month something you should have done this year?
On the 17th of December we will be having our annual Christmas Celebration for the Payatas Kids. Some of these children have no Christmas except what we provide for them. This year , as always, we will be telling them about the birth of Christ, we will have Bible quizzes, games, contests, A home made Christmas dinner complete with desert, each child will get a toy, a pair of pants or a skirt, shirts, foot wear and a bag of food to take home. They also will be enjoying making crafts as presents for their families.
Our fifth anniversary was a wonderful success! Our speaker was Pastor Edgar Orcales and he was inspirational to say the least. Our theme was a sure foundation. I got the idea when I thought of how we have for the past five years focussed on building a strong Church. Not necessarily a large one but one with a good foundation. Pastor Orcales started preaching about how large buildings have large foundations and sometimes it takes a while before you see anything happening as the foundation is underground. He said, once the foundation was finished you will see the walls go up fast as the building is built. It gave me a warm feeling that perhaps our vision of building the compound , is on the way. We had games, prizes, entertainment by our own church musicians and a 45 kilo pig! A good time was had by all. Photos
Door Knocking – Visiting – Sharing the Word
Our people are like a well oiled evangelistic machine. With approximately 50 people going out throughout Payatas every Saturday. We give out plenty of tracts and engage in conversations with plenty of people. The Filipinos are very open to discuss the Bible. Our teams also go visiting individual homes every week. Additionally, our people approach others wherever they go. Whether at the market or riding on a Jeepney they are excited to share the word with others.
Our Education Program
Our dream is to build a school. we pray for that every day but we are not sitting back , doing nothing until it happens. Some of our people are teaching our kids in their homes. The result of this program has been very rewarding as they have received higher grades since they begun their extended education. Please pray for our children as they seek to serve God by being better students.
Our Music Program Our kids are learning their instruments well. As of now we have five guitar players with three more in the wings. One flute, one organ, one violin, two Ukeleles and a harmonica. We pray that by next year we will have our own small orchestra. Our own Andre, with only one arm, wanted to play something like everyone else. Praise God! We got him a harmonica and he is playing songs already. He is a very dedicated young boy.

So many times we get people who send donations for the kids and that’s wonderful. We really appreciate it. However every once in a while someone says, “this is for your needs” or “use it for what is needed” It makes me feel good that people realize that we have needs also. We thank you for your gifts. It is because of you our children are educated, there is food on our table and even our documents are paid for. When my father was in the hospital it was you who came through for me. I will never forget those who sacrificed to make sure I got to see him before he passed away. You mean so much to me personally and the Church. Our members know your names and pray for you on a daily basis. You are so much , full partners in the work here. Every body has a function. The poor can only pray yet it is one of the greatest things to do as they reach God’s ear. Those who have, give, Some send boxes, others just drop a note to tell us they are thinking of us. Put it all together and we are a family. This Thanksgiving we have a tradition of spending it with a few people at my friend, Pastor Reuel’s house. Please know that of all the things we are thankful for, they all start with you. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Love , Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura and Linda