What constitutes a Happy New Year, for You?
Have you seen the way the world
celebrates the New Year? Thousands stand in front of a ball or some
other symbol of a year gone by and a new year coming. Screaming and
shouting and kissing at the sound of 12am. Many will wake up the next
day hung over from abusive drinking.
Others will make resolutions which as the analysts say, most will break within the first couple of weeks.
This past year we have seen many come to know Jesus and we had quite a
few baptisms. We had 5 days of VBS and 5 days of camp.We received a
nice organ, we gave out toys and food in August. We had 12
Men’fellowships,12 women and 36 childrens. We participated in a youth
rally where the kids who were taught music in our Church were able to
showcase their skills.
We had caroling, and the Christmas for 100 Payatas kids celebration.
We had an adult party. You can see over 25,000 photos of our seven years
here. PHOTOS
So when we say Happy New Year, we don’t need the party or the
resolutions or the clock worship. We already know that no matter what,
as God allows, we will be hitting the ground running for 2014. that was
what we did the first year and every subsequent year since we are here.
How about you? Will this be the year that you make a difference? Will it be the year you actually cause lives to change?
I was pleasantly Surprized
Now it’s time to brag on my kids!
A gift was sent to us for Christmas however it was not yet received as it goes from one bank to another.
I told my children there would be no gifts for Christmas and why. I
said if it comes late we will get you something but right now we can
There wasn’t a noise or a face or a complain. They both said, that’s fine.
It brought me back to when my wife just came to America and I had
bought her a entire wardrobe, we had hot water, a swimming pool, a
freezer, washer dryer, dishwasher. All the things you are used to there
but not here. I asked what she thought. she answered, “It’s nice.” Her
birthday came and I bought her a necklace and she said, “Thank you. It’s
nice”. I thought, how unappreciative can you get?
She opened up the card and read where I said, I will love you always.
She started to cry and threw her arms around me , and kissed me.
All my girls are not material girls. They love what is good and pure and right.
Don’t let me go without bragging on God
Saving the best for last I want to thank God for all He has done.
This last donation, when it comes will take care of the christmas the
kids did not miss but on top of that it will take care of their school
books for the year.
At 11 Laura is entering the eight grade and at 7 Linda is entering the 4th.
God has given me a wonderful family. The kids also help at Church along with my wife, my right hand who does so much.
Tomorrow someone asked if we can feed 100 kids and of course I said yes.
God supplies needs like this all the time.
How about You?
This year why don’t you join with us instead of just reading about us?
Then you can say, we are a part of that ministy.
Have a happier New Year by being part of bringing a lost world to Christ.
