Our Needs:
Linda and Laura are moving up to the next grades. We need about $500 to do it.
Our children need better quality violins. 10 at p7000 each = 70,000 pesos = U.S. $1614.00
Our car needs to be repaired every week. We Could use a new one.
Looking Forward!
Everything seems to be going faster and faster. Day turns to night Monday turns to Sunday and Month follows month.
A case in point. I was driving home the other night only to
see places selling Christmas lights. Huge brilliant and flashing
displays and it’s only September. Thinking along those lines of being
prepared , I would advise you to put money away for a rainy day, save
some can goods just in case and most important, If you do not know for
sure whether you will spend eternity with Christ, you are not saved so
please click the blue link and read this important message so you will
know for sure: BE SURE!
We have been baptizing the last few months and just added
three more in September. The Gospel is being preached and they are
responding to the call.
Salvation Party!
We have much to look forward to here at PBC. On November 3rd,
instead of having a anniversary celebration, we decided to have a
Salvation party. We will have music and food and plenty of good
testimony of coming to Christ and what we have been doing with that. It
should be a great time for the Church.
Our Annual Christmas Celebration
On December 14th, we will have our annual Christmas celebration for 100 kids. As we
have done every year, we will give the boys pants and a shirt and the
girls, skirts and a shirt .This year we already have one couple who will
pay for 100 pairs of sneakers for all the kids. We also give them a hot
meal with dessert, a toy, and we have games and prizes. The day
includes Biblical games, songs, skits and contests.
Christmas Caroling
will be caroling on the 18th of December. We hope to have at least 60
carolers along with our musicians. It is quite the site to see all of us
descend on the houses with all those people and violins, guitars,
flutes, recorders…
The children have brought their report cards to church and
all have improved in their grades to to our education program.

God Bless! Ptr Jack, Malou, Laura and Linda