November 2006
November 1, 2006January 2007
January 1, 2007We had some visitors this month from our home Church. The Gallardo�s came and brought with them ten chairs which we sorely needed and a block of sharp cheese which I had been craving.
It was so good to see someone from home and Laura was thrilled to see Eran (their son). Brother Sam taught the adult Sunday School while sister Odetthe went upstairs to lead the children. She was able to lead six children to the Lord that day. Praise God!
As they were pulling up in front of the Church, I was leading a young man to the Lord. This man is such a blessing. He plays the guitar and he is an artist. He will paint a mural on our upstairs wall of Noah�s Ark and perhaps do all the walls in the Children�s room. He already did a sketch in pencil and it is wonderful.
We have been blessed with at least a dozen people who came to visit and stayed and there are also many children who are always at the Church an hour early!
Malou is progressing with her piano lessons and is now able to play; Jesus paid it all, At Calvary, Near the cross and another one that she forgot the name. With the blessing comes the need. We are now praying for the funds to purchase a piano. We don�t even have a pulpit yet but I guess I can preach without a pulpit while it is much more difficult to play the piano without one. ?
We also have had a couple of people who are sending Balikbayan boxes with food, clothes and toys for the people in Payatas. What a blessing.
Being without a vehicle is proving more and more difficult. Yesterday we were to be sponsors at a wedding in Laguna. Well, we left the house early and took an fx towards Cubao but the Aircon wasn�t working properly and all of us were drenched in sweat. So we got out and took a Jeepney which proceeded to stop on every corner to get fares. We were getting nowhere fast and it was almost time for the wedding so we asked the driver and he told us where to get off for a �shortcut� so we did and waited almost thirty minutes before we found a taxi who proceeded to tell us it would be 1500 pesos for the trip. Well, that�s $30 U.S. and is a fortune to us here so we told him goodbye. We thought he was trying to rip us off so we waited for another taxi about twenty minutes and he had no idea where the place was but I realized we were not even close to our destination so we had to go home.
Please pray that I can at least get a motorbike so that I can visit my Church members and go back and forth to the office.
We are going Christmas Carolling on the 20th so pray that many will be touched and come to Jesus.
Please pray for many more salvations as we have only three in the last couple of weeks.
We pray that you all have a blessed Christmas!
Ptr Jack & Malou Wilson