Psa_98:4 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
The term, “Make a joyful Noise” is found in the KJBible 7 times. In every instance it is in psalms.
Making a joyful noise is to celebrate God’s greatness and all of His attributes. It’s to tell Him, “We love you Lord.” It is to be excited about that love.
In our lives there are plenty of joyful noises if we listen. The cry of a new born baby, the soft voice of a Godly woman who is now very old speaking to her grandchildren, Children reciting their verses out loud. On Friday past, we had our PBC Musicians, Make a Joyful Noise concert in the covered Court in Payatas.
Our good friend Missionary Troy Beaver of came and brought audio and video equipment as well as plenty of food for the poor.
I asked him what we could do for him and he replied ” nothing, this is what I do, help other Pastors to help others” He certainly does.. He was also actively helping during the typhoon. Please visit his site by clicking the link.
Photos of the Concert
The kids were wonderful and they were all so happy to show their talent. All in all it was a wonderful night.
We were able so far to buy one used violin which is so much better than anything we had. We also have an offer to give us a hand made violin from a violin maker in the States. A very wonderful gift. I will not mention his name for fear he will be plagued with requests but God knows what he did.
If you know of anyone who might donate a violin, we could use it.
The Ongoing Work at Payatas
Our work of bringing the Gospel to the people of Payatas never stops. The concert was part of that mission as well as our outreach programs. We also need to attend to our own soldiers in Christ.
If you wonder where the $1400 a month income we get , goes, We had to get two pairs of glasses for two of our church kids and another needed some dental work.
We also have two tiny little girls whose mother left them and the father did not take care of them so their grandfather took them in. They live in a structure that is probably no larger than a U.S. walk in closet. The grandfather is 55 and can barely walk because of an on the job accident he sustained. I just found this out last night and immediately we started to give. We will go over there Saturday to see if we can improve his building and one of our people is checking out doctors to help his legs. In the meantime my wife will be working on getting the girls in school. they have no birth certificates and the school doesn’t want to take them.
I just preached a sermon before I knew about this. The subject was “Pleasing God” living in the Spirit and not the flesh. I asked, if you were on your way to buy something at the store that you really wanted and have been saving for, and you pass a child who is starving—Do you buy him a meal knowing you will not be able to get your own item or do you get the item?
That night we got the above report. Here is a photo.

hen we have a situation like this we have to do anything we can. There is no choice other than to reject humanity for ourselves.
If you would like to help this family, click here
Please indicate the donation is for “Lolo and the kids” Lolo means grandfather. Donations not marked will go into the general fund which actually means they will go for things like this anyway! 🙂
Life is so much different here. Our church is in one of the poorest baranguays there is. Our people were in tears last light because they said God had given them so much and we need to help that family. There is one other joyful noise I cherish. The sound of Godly people being compassionate.
God Bless you as you bless others-Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura and Linda

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