March 17, 2024MAY 2024 UPDATE
April 29, 2024 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This week is the most significant in the Christian calendar, yet it surprisingly does not dominate media headlines. It begins with Jesus, God incarnate, being arrested, subjected to severe torture, and crucified. Such reflections should move us deeply. While some may focus on Cadbury eggs and jellybeans, those unaware of Him ought to be in a state of repentance. For those who are unaware, this week may hold no significance, but for those who believe, it is profoundly moving.
The narrative progresses to the sky darkening, the Temple curtain tearing in two, an earthquake occurring, and bodies emerging from their graves to walk about. Jesus is then laid in a tomb, and three days later, He rises from the dead, witnessed by many.
The true significance of His death and resurrection is that it represents His payment for our sins and confirms that, just as Christ was resurrected, so shall we be. Let us spread the word: Jesus has risen. Hallelujah, He has risen indeed.
Pastor Jack’s medical progress
I am getting better every day. Although I still have a hole in my back, it’s getting smaller and smaller. My wife has been helping so much by cleaning and dressing the wound every day.
The medical bills are paid. Also, please pray that we will get a slot in the Hospital for my eye operation. That expense has been met also and we are just waiting for a date.
God bless those who helped us in these trying times.
Two of our college students will be graduating. Genesis Abogado will be a Filipino language teacher and Kyle Rubinos will be a Seaman.
God bless those of you who made this possible.
Thanks to one of our Canadian supporters, we received funds to buy food packs to feed the poor in Payatas. We will do that next week.
Our Youth Excursion
With the earnings from Christmas caroling, the youth donated P1200 to purchase a table for the Church. With the remaining funds, they visited the Old Rock Resort in Pangasinan to go swimming.
Click here to see the fun!
We are grateful to all our supporters for recognizing the potential in this ministry and for your willingness to contribute to its success.