When will be The Last Day?.
Sounds like a silly question being that the Bible tells us that no man knows the hour.
I think back to 1970 when I was first saved. Never in a million
years could I imagine that I would be 61 years old and writing a
newsletter about our Missionary service in the Payatas.
The truth is, time and God wait for no man. One day we are here and the next day—Gone!
“Jas 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For
what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little
time, and then vanisheth away. “
I do know this. I have done the best that I could with what I
have. I have fought the good fight. I look forward to the day when I
will meet my Lord and see Him smile and say “Good Job.” Not because of
me, but because of Him!
Friends and Family Day
PBC is looking forward to this Sunday. It is our annual,
Friends and Family Day and the entire Church competes to bring them in!
We have two of our own Filipino preachers bringing the word and pot luck to entice them in!
All in all it will be a great day to deliver the word to those who are perishing.
The fun part will be to see how many will be outside listening through the windows because of overcrowding.
Please pray for PBC that we may get the compound for which we have the vision.
We need more classrooms and a music room and a large sanctuary as well as an outdoor covered evangelism court.
God is able!
One of the mothers went up to the school and the teacher told
her that her daughter greatly improved in her studies. The teacher told
her mom it is becaause of the training she is receiving at PBC. Needless
to say, the mom is intent on keeping her child here at PBC.
Another one of our young girls scored the highest everytime on
her English tests. The teacher asked her why is she so smart in English.
She answered, “My Pastor is an American and he insists that we learn
We are known by Principals and teachers and parents as
champions of these little ones. I am so happy of the work that is being
accomplished here.
If anyone thinks that none of this has anything to do with
saving souls—-First, we do not save, only Jesus can. Second,
everything we do includes the Gospel whether it is teaching academics or
music, having a basketball game or just sitting around talking, Jesus
is the subject.
Most of our kids from the littlest up know how and do, relay
the Gospel to other children. It is a miracle I wish you all could see!
Also, we show Jesus by every act of kindness we do.
Evangelism Explosion!
Our musicians are getting better every day. We are now planning
an outreach at the local covered court. We will be playing our
instruments as well as having “glowing hands” where only the gloved
hands of the participants are shown by black lights as they relay the
Gospel message.
There will be preachers and public singing and I believe this
will be a grand opportunity to reach hundreds in our community in one
Pray that the Holy Spirit is drawing them as we prepare to give them the word.
Whenever a preacher says , “finally” everyone smiles because
they know it’s the end. Human nature I guess. The trick is, try not to
bore, tell the truth and ask questions.
Are you doing what God wants from you?
Does your Church family excite and thrill you?
Let me tell you, if it ain’t fun, it ain’t Church. Jesus was an
up beat person/God. He loves you and me and wants us to enjoy him.
Please don’t forget us here in Payatas. It is a hard place to work but very rewarding. Your support will help.
To all those who have stuck by us we say thank you but especially the children you help thank you.