January 29, 2020UPDATE MARCH 2020
March 25, 2020

The Wilsons
Serving in Payatas, Philippines
since 2006

Leap Year is an instrument to help us “catch up” with the astrological world.
To most people it’s just another day but to others it is 24 hours of another chance to do something. To help someone or learn more or even to rest.
We have been here thirteen years. We have seen our little Church “Leap” into the future.
We grew, we evangelized, we educated kids and adults both Biblically and academically as well as taught them to read music and play an instrument.
Our kids have grown in the word and happily share that word with others.
They also have improved each year so that we are now raising scholars as they sail towards college.
We have put three students in college and will put another three in this next Semester.
Most of our kids play an instrument. Instruments played are Keyboard, Violin,Recorder,Harmonica,Ukelele,Guitar,Beat box and accordion.
All according to our 20 year plan to raise Christian champions who in turn will raise the same.
We will have our first college Grad this year. Actually it is two but the other has to spend an additional year preparing for the C.P.A. board exam. The other will take her exams and become an English teacher.
Yes, we have leaped forward in many ways except our facilities. Statistically, a Church building can not hold more than 85% of capacity.
This restricts our growth.
Now, let me make this clear, Salvation only comes to those who respond to God’s calling. We have broadcast the Gospel these thirteen years to thousands upon thousands and we seldom know which way they truly chose to walk. However, there are three people we do know of, who came out of our Church and are now Pastors of their own Church. That’s some great multiplication.
If God wants to keep us doing what we do it will be fine with us although I won’t say that the idea of having facilities in which we can spread our wings isn’t appealing because it is.
Perhaps some millionaire who will be led of God, will see our work and help make the compound happen.
Please pray for God’s perfect will.
Prayer Requests
We now have $2,423.33
For three student’s first Semester
We need
$792.77 more.

We really would like to have a compound to house our students and to have a large sanctuary.I say like because although it is tight, I don’t say need. We need God’s will.
Apr 20-25
Pray that the 100 kids we invite will accept the Lord into their lives and grow in Him.
I would be remiss if I did not thank our wonderful supporters. What is done here is done by all of us.
God Bless you all!
The Beacon | 415-555-1212
Payatas Mission Outreach, Inc
PO Box 55233
Riverside, California 92517
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