Happy New Year! With the anticipation of another New Year and hope as always that “This year will be better than last” I just have to say, it will take some doing for us to best this year.
Let’s just say we ended this year by ministering to hundreds of people in Payatas through our Church ministries as well as each and every individual effort at our homes, when shopping, in school and while travelling.
But let me give you a clue how next year can be your best year yet. By the way, this is not by my own wisdom but God’s revelation to me as I continue to grow in Him.
Wake up in the morning with a Good morning Lord and spend a little time studying His word. Have a conversation with Him. Not necessarily asking for everything under the sun but by asking Him how you can serve Him each day. Tell Him that you love Him (always good for anyone to hear) and then go about doing everything to the glory of God. Do your best, love one another and tell those who the Holy Spirit leads you to, about the Saviour.
God rewards the faithful.
Blessings from various places and generated in Heaven!

December 1st
Our Brethren in Kuwait financed a lunch on for our entire Church. Everyone enjoyed a ton of food and great fellowship!
We received love boxes from Canada and VFNKB in Florida filled with items that helped us all have a Merry Christmas.Another brother in Canada along with His fellowship sponsored our widows and orphans. We bought them food that they could store and clothing for the orphans.
A couple of generous supporters paid for our Jessa’s college tuition for the semester allowing her to continue on to her path of becoming a CPA.
Our youth had three nights of successful caroling that will finance an annual excursion for them.
Our Church members had the most lucrative caroling in twelve years that paid for a wonderful, adult Christmas party. After we all enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmellows and some snacks.
Our entire Church had a blast at our annual PBC Sports Fest. We competed for prizes. Everyone won!
This is what wasn’t seen.
The tremendous witness to our community as we displayed the love of Jesus in witness, testimony and song.
The incredible bonding between all our Church members from the littlest to the oldest. (I guess that’s me) and how that bonding keeps us all focussed on Christ and serving Him.
The faith instilled in all of us as we see that obedience to God produces benefits.
God bless all of you  who have given to the Lord via this ministry. We pray His mighty blessing upon you all for this coming New Year.