Well, maybe not wasting away but it sure feels like it. I finally decided to start eating healthy and take care of myself and it’s working.
I sure do miss the junk food but if I want to live a good life, I need to do this. Besides, once a month I get a special dinner and every once in a while I cheat. Good enough!

God increases our numbers by addition and multiplication!
By addition as we just baptised Totoy Merca. Totoy is nine years old and started with us when he was only three years old. There are six children attending from his family ranging from one year to 17 years!! They are a blessing to us.
By Multiplication–Well, you figure it out. We welcome Zion , the child of Erick and Nimfa to the PBC family. God bless the children!
All our kids are doing great in school. They are working hard and making us proud. Our Laura, it turns out, will have enough credits making this her last year in High School. She will go on to the University of the Philippines and will major in music and the violin. We are so proud of her. Linda is happy doing her work and says she has plenty of time before college. She has a desire to be a chef and we are looking into Culinary schools here.
Lito’s surgery went well however there is plenty of follow up until he is able to walk again. Please keep him in your prayers.
We are gaining children in our feeding program and they are gaining weight and nutrition! Praise God!
Our friends in Canada and Florida have helped us with the ever increasing cost for food. We are thankful for those that God calls to help this ministry.
We were recently blessed with some funds to buy two new wireless microphones, a new mixer and a new Amplifier. These are all a better quality and should last a long time.
Our musicians are practicing hard and I keep bugging Sister Beverly (Our music director) as to when we will cut a disk. I thinks she wants it to be the best but it will come soon.
We have new children learning recorder, guitar and ukeleles. We will need to purchase some more instruments soon.
If you would care to help these kids through this ministry, click the link to become a monthly partner or click and scroll down for a one time gift.
God blesses those who bless others.