August 2016
August 29, 2016October 2016 Update
October 27, 2016
November 12th, 2010
 Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Gal 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
What Makes You Tired?
Perhaps I should rather ask you this– Are the things that make you tired also making you happy spiritually? Do you get a sense that you are doing the Lord’s will? Do you know that it is not only Pastors or teachers that are supposed to get this kind of tired?
That verse does not mean we should not do too much well doing as to get tired. It means do not get tired of well doing. You can get tired when well doing, just don’t get tired of doing it.
Does that make sense? It comes with a promise that we will reap if we faint not.
I live in a constant state of anticipation. I am looking forward to that $5 million dollar complex. I am looking to educate many more kids with our own K-College school. I am looking to many more confessions of faith as we are able to reach out to a dying world. I am excited because my God does not lie and I am not weary of well doing. I am very tired but not tired of doing well. I hope for you it is the same.
Brother Lito’s Medical Condition
As we previously mentioned, Brother Lito takes care of his two grand daughters. Their parents are not around. Anyway, his medical condition causes him not to be able to walk. The doctor diagnosed it as extreme arthritis and he will need to get both knees replaced.

Even with all this, he has learned to make rugs to support himself
We are now just waiting for the consultant to schedule the surgery.
Please pray that it will be soon and the Government and Social Services will take care of the costs.
One of our goals is that everyone will be able to support them selves. A few of the ladies got together to start their own sewing Company.
Many people here fail to reinvest in their businesses and eventually fail. Our ladies saved their profits and invested in a (I hope I am saying it right) a four thread machine.
They are doing well, just like the virtuous woman.
One of the ladies had no electricity. We had to get her up to snuff with their qqualifications so we built her a sink (which she did not have) Errected and built a concrete post for the Electric. Before she was using the neighbors electricity at night. Now she can work in the day. Praise God!

On the 14th of August 2016 I had the pleasure to unite Ken and Ana Dewsberry in marriage. He is living in Tasmania and she will be joining him as soon as the paperwork is complete.
Our Church is well trained in presenting not only the Gospel but why we believe what we do and the evidence associated with that belief.
Men, women and children, whether in school, work, the market, the hospitals and clinics, public transportation, wherever the Spirit calls, we share the word. It is trulely God’s Church in action! |
Our Needs
I need a real car. My vehicle is 25 years old and has to be repaired every week.
I saw a Chevy Spark for about P650,000
Please pray
Pray for the construction of the Compound
Pray for the upcoming Children’s Christmas Party
Pray for our soon to be recorded Music video
Pray for our college students as well as all our students. They are all improving every day.
We need a refrigerator in the Church. Like my car we have to repair it more often than not.
The cheapest one is about $300 |
God bless all of you who pray for us and support this ministry financially. You are the true servants of God. |