The word holiday came from an Old English word that was first recorded in 950 AD, as hāligdæg (hālig for “holy” and dæg for “day”). The first recorded spelling as holiday was in 1460 AD. Around the Middle English period, it took on a new meaning as “a day when commoners were exempt from labor”
It’s odd that Thanksgiving and Halloween are both considered “Holidays” or in the original meaning “Holy” days. I don’t think I would be wrong to think Satan uses Halloween to counter Thanksgiving.
Kids are usually psyched to go trick or treating, but I never heard one say, I can’t wait to give thanks.
We should remember as we are sitting down to our feasts to thank the Lord who not only gave us the food for the day but for giving all our needs, every day.
Where we could say Thanksgiving is a Holy day when we give God the praise due him we might also say Halloween is a “Unholy” day.
Which brings us to should we give candy to the kids when they ring the doorbell?
My idea is we counteract Halloween with an appropriate tract telling kids about Jesus. We should also give candy because it is a good gesture of our faith for the kids.
By no means decorate or encourage Halloween but on the same way, greet the children with a Christian smile and a message of salvation.
Happy Thanksgiving
Here in the Philippines they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but we have as long as we have been here. As a matter of fact, as I write this, we have just finished celebrating.
Our new custom is our future chef (Linda) makes the turkey and everyone helps with something. This year the girls made two pies, Apple & Pumpkin and two strawberry cheesecakes. We are thankful for God’s provision.
We pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving no matter which day you celebrate.

That’s the theme for our 17th Church Anniversary on Nov.5
As we have watched China and Russia coming together and the war in the Middle East along with the destruction of the Culture in so many Countries we have come to believe we need to start looking up.
We feel that the Lord will come soon, and we might not be here for the 18th anniversary. While no man knows the day or the hour, the Bible also said we will not be caught unaware. So we will happily enjoy out 17th anniversary while we have the joy and hope of His soon return.
Other Happenings at PBC
1- We Gave out food packs to the community due to the benevolence of our brethren in Canada
2-Malou joined some of our friends and went on a short mission trip to Lampuyang, Masbate.. This was a Church plant by our good friends Pastor Bob Sharpe and his wife Leonor.
3-We enjoyed Pastor’s appreciation day, and I was moved by the many testimonies.
4- We have a bunch of kids enjoying the recorder class taught by our one and only flutist, Malou Wilson
We need to raise $1,000 for our Christmas celebration for the Payatas kids. So far we have $50
Our giving in Church has improved and so anything we take in over $100 we give to the college fund.
We now have $1,500 in the fund.
May God bless all who have given to this ministry
