March 29, 2024JUNE 2024 UPDATE
May 29, 2024These times have been challenging for me. After falling down the church stairs and injuring my back, I was laid up for over a month, followed by boils so severe they necessitated surgery. On Friday, I underwent an operation to correct a previous cataract surgery. Additionally, I discovered that for two years, I was treated for non-existent glaucoma by two different doctors at Doctors Diliman Hospital.

Trials are inevitable in this fallen world. Yet, as the scripture says, Christ bore our infirmities and sicknesses. One might wonder, “If He did, why do I still suffer from arthritis?” The ailments He bore were our sins. He died so we might be free from suffering, restoring what Adam lost, and promises to welcome us into His kingdom. Paul wrote, “Romans 8:18 – I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:19 – For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” He also encouraged, “Galatians 6:9 – Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
As the song goes, “Hold on, I’m coming!”
I’m grateful to our dear friends who supported us through these trials and to God who strengthens us.
One of our church’s greatest joys is witnessing someone’s salvation followed by baptism. Meet Grace, aptly named, who joined our church at nine and at twelve, accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized.

We receive boxes with clothing and occasionally toys, along with canned and packaged items. These are distributed at the local basketball court, where we also share the gospel. It’s a mission to provide clothing for the body and Christ to nurture the spirit..

We received another cash donation from our Canadian brethren to buy and distribute food to the needy. We took this opportunity to mix door knocking with the food distribution. Talk about a captive audience! We were able to share the word with many as well as feed some in need.
Many thanks to our Canadian Brethren for their heart for our ministry.

We have three more students who will be starting college in the coming school year. Our students are all doing well in college and the younger ones are still reaping the rewards of our incentive ministry. It works!
“Sunny Days” are here and with it brought 97 degrees yesterday. They said it felt like 114. We all slept in our air conditioned bedroom. We only do that when it is really bad as inflation has hit hard here. Prices are sky high but salaries are not. Which brings me to the subject, If you believe we are reaching thousands with the gospel of Christ each year will you consider supporting this ministry? Please click the donate button where you can give a one time gift or monthly support.

Thanks to all our supporters who support us with prayer and/or finances. God bless you all.