They say real estate is a great investment,
we think so too, That’s why we are praying so hard to be able to buy
this piece of property for $1.6 Million U.S.Dollars and the balance to
build the vision.
the Red line indicates a rough property line.

Let me tell you about it. For six years, since we moved into
this little building, I have been passing this place that I felt the
Lord was telling me we would someday have. I prayed daily for it. Then
we received notice that we needed to move out of this place. We prayed
even harder. Some of the members went on a search party and could find
nothing to rent anywhere close to this mission field we were called to.
They did however find the above property. They came back and told me but
I was adamant that God was going to give us the other place. It wasn’t
until I did this Google Maps photo did I realize that everyday I looked
and prayed, this place was right behind the other place! God showed me
the direction but until now, never showed me the actual site. 2Co 5:7
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
Additionally, we wanted a Church that could hold two
thousand people. (I know this all sounds so crazy) There is a building
that is the size of a football field that will hold way over two
thousand people
>>>Link to more photos
This building has a roof and concrete walls along with steel
roof trusses. It needs to be fitted as a Church but it is the dream
that I have had for Payatas.
Having two services every Sunday evening and one at night,
we could literally minister to thousands at one time. It would be an
ideal place to hold medical missions, feeding programs and periodic,
large scale evangelistic programs. There is another building attached to
it at a right angle that could be fitted for an elementary school.
There is also a house on the property that could be used as a medical
clinic or missionaries quarters. (We want both.)
The Church believes, (As well as I do) that God is going to
make this all happen. I don’t know if he will do it $10 bucks at a time,
or a large benefactor will answer the call but in any event, WILL YOU PRAY WITH US?
I know some will laugh and others think we are crazy but I
believe that this is the place to make a difference and the real estate
investment is actually a investment in thousands of souls to who we will
We Have Come Such A Long Way On This Journey!
God has brought us so far and it is so exciting to see the
incredible things that have happened in this tiny over crowded place.
Looking back it was obvious to me that I had absolutely nothing to do
with it except to say yes when God gave me direction and told me what to
do. That’s not being humble, that’s bragging on our God. It has been a
struggle each and every step of the way. We started with a budget of
$550 for house and Church and now we are only up to about $1,300 after
six years. BUT GOD…He has done so many amazing things
and now w e look forward with great anticipation. We pray that our
obedience to His word has been noticed and the one who rewards will do
it in this way.
I see photos of missionaries all the time with their four
wheel drives and vans and sometimes (not often) I look up to heaven and
say, “Lord” I am happy for them but can I be happy too?” God answered
that prayer and we bought a twenty one year old used “Owner Type” Jeep.
Come and look at the beginning and almost end product.
Malou and I are the only people in the church with a
vehicle. Recently, we sold our motorcycle to pay for some additional
guitars and a violin for the kids. That motorcycle was a godsend. It
brought us five years of great service and now it is changing kids lives
through music.
We have now given out nine guitars,three violins,two
ukuleles, and a harmonica. We also have more children signing up for
lessons. As of today I believe we have twenty six.
The kids are doing fantastic and the service so joyous as our kids play their instruments to glorify our God.
We have started practicing and we hope that in September, we will make a Christmas CD with the Payatas kids.
It is time for school starting in June. We received some
school supplies for all the kids from Pastor Greg and our Australian
friends as Brimbank Church. Unfortunately, Laura and Linda will need
about $500 to start another year of school. If you can find it in your
heart to help our kids with their education, please give now so we can
order the books. 
We started a new program . We sent out teams of two to visit
the home of one of our kids who attend the Church. They bring a bag of
rice and some sardines and have a time of fellowship with the parents.
They start Bible studies and invite the neighbors. They will each take
about twelve weeks and by then the parents should be in attendance at
the Church and if not, they move on to the next family. We have seen an
increase in attendance by these people. It is great to see entire
families at Church.