February 2013
February 2, 2013The Best Church I never built
March 4, 2013
Sometimes things can be a bit overwhelming-(in like a Lion)
and then the Lord relieves the pressure and meets the needs. (Out like a
With so much coming in, we are hoping that this will also happen to us. Let’s see what we have.
Beginning on April 8th to April 13th we will have our annual
VBS. We have paid for the training and this years theme. Praise God.
However, we still need food and some crafts. With only 8 days away, we
need p5000 to complete the need: That’s $122.34 U.S. 117.41 AUS
If you would like to help out:
I was inspired to write a song. Yes, and I liked it so I
gave it to my Singer at the Church (Beverley Rubinos) and my guitarists
-also my Preacher (Benedict Quezada) and they sounded wonderful. We can
not upload music so our video co-ordinator ( Odhette Mamales) is
creating the video.
The name of the song is Tribulation and we hope to have it publishes in about two weeks.
Camp or not to Camp – That is the question
On April 22 – 26 is our annual Send the Payatas Kids to Camp Week.
Every year we have been blessed with donors who have quickly
sent these young people and helped to change their lives.
The cost to send one busload of 50 kids is about $ 1,500
. Unfortunately, with little time left, we only have $626.00 and need $875.00
If you would like to help out:
We are extending our Livelihood program!
We are now making stuffed Bears. We found a pattern among my
Grandmother’s sewing stuff. It was from the 1940’s and so the ladies got
together and started re-creating these vintage Teddys. They should be
on the market soon in time for Christmas. |
We Need You
I know things are tough all over but if you are a Christian
and not on the mission field, you should be supporting those who are.
All prices have gone up since we are here. Mostly they have tripled in
seven years. Our income has doubled yet because of the low conversion
rate, it has not even come close to doubling.
Figure it out. Prices tripled, Income far less than doubled = a whole lot less than ever before.
We need your help.
Whether you commit to $5 per month or a thousand. You and God
know what you can do. Whatever it is, please do it now. We have had so
many people ask us how to send the money, some over and over but it
never comes.
Please help now so we can continue preaching the Gospel to the lost.
If you would like to help out:

Would you like to see why you should give and who we are?
Click Here
Gift Box From Our Supporter
One of our supporters who always seems to bless us at exactly the right time, sent us a gift box of food stuffs…
We were able to distribute some to 30 families. Everyone was blessed.
We had a visitor- my wife’s cousin Menchie and her husband Ron Jualo and they gave out candy and food to the Church.
What a blessing.

Menchie and Ron Jualo