April is a time of anticipation. We look forward to seeing
warm moist soil with little green shoots emerging. These represent the
wonderful daffodils and hyacinths and tulips that were so beautiful last
We don’t get Spring here. As a matter of fact there are few ,
if any, flowers. We are not in that part of the Country that is
bursting with color. Except while I was at the hospital the other night
when I brought one of our Church kids for an injured foot and they
brought two men into the hospital. Their shirts were brilliant blood
soaked red and each had been stabbed.
I know, I know, who the heck wants to hear this stuff? Not
me that’s for sure. However, I can not just tell you all is well as you
smile and go back to your garden. You need to know in order to make a
decision to support us or not.
As last year we are again in anticipation of sending at least 60 kids to camp. (Click on the word camp to see last years trip.
Some kids are anticipating the feeling of sleeping in a real
bed again or eating for five days without concern from where it will
come. They are remembering the comaraderie and camp meetings and zip
lines and games. Some new kids are wondering if this place is as good as
they hear from the older kids. All are very excited for the
opportunity. Will you help again this year? If you haven’t helped before, will you help now? Click on the blue highlighted help links to donate.
We anticipate 100 children as we get every year to attend a
week long session of vacation bible school. Every year we teach 100
children how to know Christ and what He teaches us all. They enjoy
stories and games along with contests and snacks and all the energy 100
children can squeeze into a tiny two story building. Click here to see last years fun.
Australian Visitors
We are also anticipating a visit from our friends at the
Brimbank Church in Australia. So many times different Christian groups
have found us on the internet and have asked if they could help us in
some way. We have had medical missions, music programs, outreach of all
kinds. Our friends have asked to come and join us in ministering to the
kids. They will be arriving on the 31st and will spend Saturday and
Sunday with us.
Some anticipation is left up to one’s imagination. As you
read in prior issues, we have a limited time before we have to leave the
premises we call our Church. Although we have collected a few thousand
dollars towards the purchase of land and to build a building, donations
have been slow. Many thanks to those who have given. We are anticipating
God’s hand in this and causing someone? Many? people to come up with
the large amount of money we need to go ahead. We can easily meet the
needs of many more in Payatas with a larger base of operations or we can
literally become a street Church that can not meet in the rainy season!
We now have an adult English class and we are tutoring in
our home one of our young ladies who slipped through the cracks and has
been out of school for some years. The progress is terrific and we
anticipate great results as the Lord’s hand has been upon every
We also have started to raise the $500 or so we need for
Laura and Linda’s new school books/course. We received our first
donation of $24 from a Kids Bible study group. We don’t mention names on
here but I am very proud of you kids. Thanks.
For those who do not understand the Baptist way, we never
force someone here to be baptized. They have to make that decision based
on what they read and understand. As a matter of fact, they come to us
when they are ready and are baptized. This week Andrei, who has been
with us for a few years now, wanted to be baptized. After speaking with
him to make sure he really knew what it was all about, we did. It was
beautiful. Look here
Every thing we do here at PBC, shows Christ to everyone.
every ministry works to that end. We have an average of 50 people door
knocking every Saturday morning. We have visitation teams reaching out
to the community and each and every members normal daily life includes
sharing the Gospel when asked for the reason for the hope that is within
We now have 26 active music students. A couple have just
been eligible for a free guitar. (Mo’money) Six little ones have started
learning the recorder. The recorders were donated by a generous friend
in Makati. Our services come even more alive as our music includes
flutes and violins, guitars and ukeleles along with the keyboard. We
anticipate 6 little ones adding to our musical group with their
After almost six years here, the family has just taken a
vacation!!! YAY!!! Okay so it was three days and the first and third day
were mostly driving but it did classify as a vacation. We brought our
Deacon to see his family in Bataan. We were just so happy to get away.
See it by clicking here
Thanks for all you do!
Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura & Linda

Link to our Photo website
Link to our 501 c 3 website