When kids in the U.S. are going on vacation, kids in Payatas
are returning to school. Notice I never say those kids are returning
from vacation. Their lives are comprised of work and the more fortunate,
will be able to go to school but never, on vacation.
Please read this about school life in Payatas: SCHOOL LIFE LINK
At Payatas Baptist Church we tell all the children about
Jesus. We tell them how much He loves children and wants them to be
saved, how He wants them to follow Him and to be good and to obey their
parents and teachers and grow up well.
Ha! Only joking.
That would be terrible wouldn’t it? To tell them how great
Jesus is and then let them rot. Let them go on to grow up to be
drunkards and druggies and unemployed. Fathers who abandon their
children and mothers who drink and play cards.
Their lives never having any hope.
Actually. we tell them about salvation and they come to
Christ and to Church and engage in Sunday School classess for 2&1/2
hours. Wednesday night they come for another 1&1/2 hours. Each child
learns how to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They come to accept
Him early because Jesus said, Let the little ones come unto Him.
Our part is to do everything we can to help them perform
well in their lives. At other times during the week we teach them all
kinds of subjects. Our people volunteer and take children into their
homes to teach them. What we are doing is teaching them so that they
will be the best in their classes and then some. It works. Do you think a
teacher can successfully teach 70 or more kids at one time? What are
the chances just one child will be disruptive thereby disrupting the
entire class and keep them from learning?
This does not happen with us as our kids are thankful to be learning and do very well at it.
We also teach them music and most of the children choose to play some kind of instrument or to sing in the choir.
We had four kids to go to college. We got one sponsor and
spent our own personal budget (which is low to begin with) to send them
to college.
We asked but only one responded.
We are dedicated to Christ and to make a difference.
A couple of kids were not allowed to attend school because
they came from another province and did not have the appropriate
paperwork. My wife Malou is like an Ombudsman for the kids. she visits
the Principals at the various schools and gets them to admit the kids.
The Principals see the initiative taken by my wife and know we will
stand behind these kids to do well.
We have no more room
We are stuffed into a little tiny Church. There is no Air
conditioning and just fans that have been repaired over and over many
times.. The children literally melt upstairs while we all swelter
When we call the violinists to play the doxology, there is barely room to squeeze them in the front of the church.
When the choir sings it is the same and when everyone plays
and sings they pretty much have to stand in place as there is no where
to go.
We have a vision. Please pray with us and for us. It is a
ridiculous goal. $1.6 million U.S.D. for two hectares with some
buildings on it and $3.6 million U.S.D. to complete it. I would
certainly think it was crazy too if I didn’t believe in my God. If I did
not know that men pay as much for one of Babe Ruth’s dirty T shirts, I
would not think it was possible.
Surely there is a Christian who can donate the money. One who is not looking for glory in this world.
Please Pray!
Recently we lost a $200 per month sponsor just like that. We
tried to contact her to make sure she was OK but received no answer.
We pray that she is fine but we do not know. Pray for her please that no harm has come upon her.
In the meantime, do you know what a $200 loss does to a
$1300 ministry that is supporting kids music, education, feeding…?
It hurts even more.
Perhaps God’s will is that we suffer for Him and if so, let it be.
What I can’t understand is this letter goes out personally
and to FB users of approximately 1000 people and yet perhaps one or two
I realize some people think if they can’t give a giant gift
they should not give any but at $5 each we would meet our needs. At $10
each we would be overwhelmed. Alas, perhaps only one or two will do that
and so the pain continues.
All of you Churches that give to missions, please consider
us. I believe a Church should get a return on their giving and those who
support us get a great return knowing we are changing lives for Christ.
The Church is positively on a seven year upward trend. We
can use your help to do greater things in the name of the Lord.