Death in Payatas
A young lady who attends our Church named Maryfe recently had her uncle shot to death as he worked on his tricycle.
Our ladies visited the home and through this some good has
come as the man’s daughter is also now attending our Church.
Please pray for the peace of their family and that perhaps God will use this situation to show Himself to them.
Please don’t forget. Before you know it Christmas will be here.
We have all kinds of
Bags, Jewelry and the like.
We also have the
new Pinoy Toys line of stuffed bears!
when you buy from us you not only help the PBC members who
make them, you help yourseves as the prices are lower than anywhere

I also be remiss in not reminding you
that we can certainly use your love gifts and donations.
We exist only by the Grace of God working through the generous hearts of our supporters.

God Bless!
Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura & Linda
July 21st marks the day we
landed in Manila, seven years ago.

Our Humble Beginnings
I t seems like such a long time ago that I was called by God to come to this place. It has been 14 Years
since the
31 st day of July when we my wonderful wife Malou and I were married.
Biblically, seven years is fulfillment. It is God’s rest or reward.
We are on our third seven. Seven years to marry, Seven years to have a ministry and these are the third seven years.
I am not superstitious but I do know how God works. We are
looking for this third group of seven years to be the best yet.
Perhaps it will be in these seven years that we get the
PBC Compound.

We have and continue to do that to which we were called.
Hundreds of people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ each month and thousands upon thousands have heard in these years.
We have seen many ask Jesus to be Lord of their lives and
many have gone on to other Provinces and even other Countries.
We have worked hard and have endured these years even though life in Payatas is very difficult.
We have instilled hope in the adults and children and are turning them into successful individuals.
Please visit our new Photo site where we have well over
14,000 photos showing the work God has done here throughout the years.
Our Photo Site
Just scroll through the years starting at 2006
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