To all our faithful friends and supporters
In this issue
- Rainy Days in the Philippines
- Blessings
- Our New Website
Prayer Needs:
Please continue to pray for:
The vision of Payatas.
Click for Vision
Also, please pray for more support . As we approach the third year here we have even a greater need than before.
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We have received more Bibles through the generosity of Beams Bibles.
All those receiving Bibles have memorized the sixty six books!
We have been having Baptisms for the past three weeks and a neighbor church used our baptistry to baptize one of their people. What a blessing to be a blessing!

After Church on Sunday the doors are open until the end of the evening service. Many members stay and play board games, share food and enjoy the day of fellowship together.
The two things that make a Church strong: Faith in Jesus Christ and the love of the brethren.

Rainy Days in the Philippines
Here in the Philippines we do not get four seasons. We get what the locals call “Rainy Days” and “Sunny Days”
During the rainy season there can be some violent storms or Typhoons and they can be devastating.
This month, we started to get some Typhoons. Our rainy days consisted of some people trying to tear up what God had laid down.
One couple who had been with us from the beginning were sowing seeds of discord among the brethren for three years.They were reprimanded twice before. I thought we were in for a major split but after giving it all to the Lord, Sunday morning came, they were gone and we actually had more people than ever before!
We all have had many challenges this month as we pray that God gives us strength to serve Him. He is exercizing our faith and it is working for the good of the Church.
Pray for us during these trying times that we fail not but continue to grow in grace.
Our New Website
Keep checking our old website: http// as it is undergoing a complete makeover. It is just about ready to be published and the change is wonderful. It will be easier to navigate.
Thanks to a Christian friend, Manny Rodriguez
If anyone needs a website built at a reasonible rate, contact him at:
One of the members of our church who was a principal at a Christian School was put in Charge of running it.
She immediately made sure that God was well represented through out the school. She named and decorated each classroom after a disciple and the teachers all have morning devotions prior to starting classes.
Our Church will be volunteering at the school for various activities/bible teaching.

If you think it is tough these days imagine living in a third world Country!
Please allow God to use you to help us to:

We are a reflection of those of you who have chosen to support this ministry and also, of those of you who have refused.
Not everyone is called to give to a particular ministry but if God calls, respond and He will bless you for blessing others.
Although our resources are low, we use what we have to help others. We were able to pay some book fines to get a couple of kids back into school while others in our Church bought school supplies for some children who could not afford it.
It is such a blessing to see those who have so little, attempt to bless those who have even less.
We are like one of the Macedonian Churches.
