Before planning ahead for the New Year, I thought it necessary to reflect on the past year.
Have we been obedient and pleasing to the Lord? Has He showed us blessings to demonstrate His approval of our path?
Have we allowed His direction and done things his way?
Upon examining the things that have passed I see that God had provided for us by giving us over $1000
worth of new clothes.
He brought me through an operation that He made inexpensive
and then had it paid for through other’s generosity.
Both Malou and I were able to share the Gospel during that
experience and the Holy Spirit led one person to profess Christ.
We were given 65 bags of sneakers, shirts and shorts in
which we promptly distributed them to the poor kids here in Payatas. We were also given baskets of food and school supplies which we also distributed. We gave out clothes, food and toys as well.
On top of that we were able to send 75 kids to camp through
the generosity of supporters. Giving each one a t shirt and snacks for the week trip.
We have seen many saved and Baptized last year and
We had our annual vbs with over 100 kids participating.
We got a youth Pastor – Had no money to pay him and that
same day one of our Churches increased us equal to what we needed to pay our
Youth Pastor.
We re-built our websites. They were out dated and we had a
great opportunity to upgrade.
One of the best experiences I had this year was the
privilege of baptizing my daughter, Laura. For what else can a father ask? She is a blessing to her mother and I as well as to this ministry.
Some things seemed bad.
We had to give up the Medical Clinic that we started over a year and a half ago – We made that decision along
with the other Pastors because we felt it was not being operated in the manner
which we originally agreed it should be run. We had a great year and a half and
watched many come to know the Lord and many others ministered to medically.
Not bad because now, we are about to start a better Clinic..
We rented a brand new building, near the Church and are setting it up now.
We had Typhoons which did not affect our Church but it
affected all around us. God let us escape on all sides.
We lost a dear one – We lost Sister Pearl to cancer. We love
and miss her dearly but our loss is her gain as she resides now with the
Many loudly promised to help ths ministry financially, but never came through; yet, others
quietly gave and provided for our needs.
On a joyful note we ended the year celebrating the Saviour
with three different parties ministering to over 140 kids with all kinds of
toys, prizes, clothes and food.
We started a building fund. Yes, we proposed to put
our foot in the water as the priests of Joshua’s time and pray our path will be
open. I believe we have about $4 the first day and so with not
much to start with, we look forward to what the
Lord will do with our meager offerings.
We excitedly look ahead to what God will do in 2010. We have
faith and experience that He will be with us all the way as we remain faithful
to Him.
Happy New Year
Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura & Linda