Want To Be Happy
July 20, 2009Christmas, What God do we Worship?
July 20, 2009“I can’t share the word bec ause…”
The Bible tells us in 2Ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Yet I have heard some of the lamest excuses for not doing what God has commanded us to do.
I spoke to a Pastor in New York (My home town) and he told me that I had to “realize” that people in New York are not as warm and welcoming as in other places in the world.
Oh? Not friendly eh? Just where does it tell us to only witness to the friendly ones? He told me that no one answers the door and if they do they will be angry that you have disturbed them.
I read Dr Jerry Falwell’s biography on how he went door to door and people sent their dogs on him and slammed the door in his face, threatened him,cursed him…yet, being empowered by God he was able to build one of the largest Churches in the United States. He did it, one by one.
The Bible says in Luke 14:23 , ” And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
That is telling us that we need to shake the bushes, go everywhere and compel them to be saved. If we are not doing that we have no right to expect full Churches.
The California gold rush in the 1840’s and 50’s had men up and down the rivers with pans that had screens in the bottom. They would dip the pan in the water and filter it to see if there was any gold. Some spent weeks without seeing gold. Some spent months and others, years, yet they were determined to find that gold no matter how long it took.
What an embarrassment to the Christian who can not spend a hour or two on a Saturday knocking on doors. Don’t they know each soul is worth so much more than all the gold there is?
I believe the end is near. Will God find you working for the kingdom and happy to see Him on His return or will you be doing nothing and extremely embarrassed at His coming?