The meaning of March comes from ancient Rome: In Latin, it was called martius mensis or the month of Mars, the Roman god of war.
Back in the day, March was the time of year where the Romans resumed war after the Winter season.
Today Christians are faced with attacks on all sides. They are teaching all kinds of debauchery in our schools. They are changing the sex of children and grooming them to warp their minds. Pornographic books line the libraries of schools. School boards promote transgender bathrooms. Sports have men involved with woman in competition. I won’t continue because it is too long and frustrating.
We see BLM and antifa attacking people and no one responds.
It’s time for Christians to stand up, join school boards, write politicians, start your own protest. Show your Christianity. Too many people refuse to call out evil but instead they call good evil. If you say something against those who are evil you are put down by your own.Please pray and ask God what you can do in the war on evil.
Educational Ministry
One way of fighting back is by educating our youth. Our kids know the Bible as good as some adults. They love it. They are also excelling in their school studies. Their rewards for achievment are still going up. We have been giving out more P100 bills to the young and Jollibee and Kenny Rogers as well as the older students. We are very proud of them all.
Our College Students have registerd again and already achieving the highest grades.
Every week our Church goes out to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and with that given them the knowledge of how to live a godly life. We are changing hearts too as the Bible says to eschew evil and choose the good.
The economy has opened up but with it came high food prices. For the longest time we could not even find white onions, sugar and more. People are hoarding. Our donations are dropping as i am sure people have their own problems. We thank all who has stuck with us as we continue to fight the fight! |