Recently I posed this hypothetical question on FaceBook. I
asked: If you had $100,000 in the bank and it was your life savings, and
your neighbors little child needed an operation or she would die. The
operation cost—-you guessed it, $100,000. Would you give them the
money to save their child? Now, this is your next door neighbor not
someone you don’t know. Don’t feel bad, most people when asked this
question said no. This is the nature of man. Then I posed another
question. “What if it were your child, should your neighbor help you?”
So the question I will pose to you is this: God put us in
your lives. He has notified you about us. We are that neighbor. We have a
few more months to go and we will be without a Church building. I know
people out there that would do ANYTHING to get their own Church building
but what will you do for your neighbor?
This ministry makes investments. One way that we invest is
in children and are waiting for the return. The other day a big
strapping young man ran up to my wife and greeted her. Malou said the
glow on his face was like a beacon. He told her that he was now an
evangelist and was telling everyone about Jesus. This was especially
good news for us as that boy first accepted Christ at our Church. He was
a recipient of your generosity to our camp program and now he is
showing the results of that effort. He is now regularly attending Church
nearer to his home. We lead many people to the Lord all over the ends
of Payatas and place them in local Churches to grow. Those who are close
to us, stay with us.
Please pray for the VBS and Camp program. April and May will be the time for them.
After almost six years of being here we were able to buy a 21 year old “Owner Type” Jeep
Click here:
to see the before and after photos of the restoration. The
Jeep cost 30,000 pesos (about $700) So far the restoration has been
25,000p ($580) We also need to redo the suspension and yes, I just found
out it needs a new engine (about 48,000p=$1,143) Please pray the engine
lasts for a while.
The Australians are Coming!
Once again the hand of God has moved Christians with good
hearts to come visit our Church. They want to be part of the solution
and so they have offered to take care of our School Supplies project for
this year. School starts in June and 100 of the poor Payatas kids will
not be without this upcoming year! We look forward to a good time of
fellowship with them.
Music and Education
We are about to see the fruit of our education program as
one of our kids will be moving on to a free education at college because
she has maintained the high average required for the government
scholarship. I thank those responsible for assisting her as well as her
own, hard work and dedication. We look forward to many more students
going on and becoming the best Christians they can be as they present
themselves to the workplace.
Our own Linda has finished her second grade paces and will
soon require third grade material. Linda just turned six years old last
The music students now number 26! Can you believe it? It
started out as three kids learning the guitar. We also have many really
little ones that want to learn. Each one is learning to read music as
well as to play it. If you can donate any type of musical instrument it
will get used. Our dream is to build our own orchestra in the future.
We have just begun a new livelihood program. we had a lady
who trained the people, in return they led her to the Lord! Praise God!
So now some of our people are making bracelets, handbags, necklaces.
beaded) Photos to follow.
Our goal first and foremost is to share the salvation of
God to all whom we come into contact. We have professions of faith every
single week. We have added to our numbers in the Church. For the last
three weeks we have had 56 doorknockers steady. Our people are all
highly trained to share the word with anyone they encounter. It is
wonderful to see some with little or no education presenting the truth
and having others respond. God is so good.
Or should I say, “God wants to use you?” If you are a
Christian you already know that it is God who will provide for our
needs. However He always uses others as His tool. Consider this His
invitation. Now you can choose to ignore it or not but we need to buy
some land and build a building. You will either be a part of it or read
about those who were.
If we are to build a compound which will include a large
Church, a school, a clinic and dormitories for missionaries. If we are
going to saturate Payatas with the Gospel and to become God’s tools that
transform Payatas, then we will require about Three million dollars to
do it. I even get embarrassed by the numbers but that would build five
buildings three of them very large and include about three acres of
land. That could not be done in the U.S. or Europe. God will speak to
that person or persons that can do it but in the meantime your
$5,10,20,50,100,1000+++ all gifts matter and helps in all our projects.

All you need to do is to hit that button. It will take you
to a page where you can give whatever God has called you to give. You
can use a bank card or send a check or money order.
Please help right now.
God Bless!
Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura & Linda
Link to my website