I’m Sorry
January 12, 2012To Build or not to Build –That is the Question
January 21, 2012Churches of Christ – Can you hear me now?
As one of the poor Churches in one of the poorest areas of the Philippines calls for help. Will the Church of Christ answer?
I remember being in a Baptist meeting in California when the call went out for a Church that was about to close. We were asked if we could give to help this Church pay it’s bills and get on it’s feet. Even as a Missionary on deputation, I felt that “pull” of the Holy Spirit to help and I did with even more than I had. Just like the Macedonian example:
2Co 8:2 How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.
The same Pastor who made the plea said that it was our Christian duty to help one another . It was also that same Pastor who would not receive my calls and when I finally got through he would not receive me for deputation.
It was at that time I realized that helping in SoCal was only for people in their “club.”
I did get a handful of Churches to support the work here in the Philippines. They were the faithful ones and have blessed us considerably. They heard God speak to their hearts and responded but for the many, there was nothing.
I wondered if this was a geographical problem but as I put out the call that this Missionary Church (PBC) was in trouble and needed some cash so we can get a property the silence was deafening.
Where were those Churches and Preachers and Christians who so many times posted their spiritual blips on Facebook and Twitter and Linked-In, who seemingly were pillars of the religious community?
I once heard a preacher say , great minds over the years have no answer for this but I have come to know… Now, I believe God is still giving out new truths but when you start by saying great minds couldn’t do this but I could, you’re a windbag and full of conceit. I am afraid many have become windbags, espousing much but doing little. I look at their banquets and services and the wonderful suits and dresses and catering. Then we see our photos and the difference is amazing. Our poorness however does not equate to sadness (Thank you Lord) I wonder how others richness equates?
Please know that I am not now or have I been concerned about this ministry’s survival. That’s not my job. This ministry belongs to Jesus Christ and He said He would build His Church. My job is to do everything I can to serve and when things go right I know it was because of Him and not me.
What concerns me is the Church of Christ.
I remember before I came here, Pastors who said they were sending the check but never did. I could name at least a half of dozen and not one gave me a call to say why.
One Pastor told another that he would not support me because I was “too pushy”.
Imagine that. Here he was living a good life in America and here I was, going into his poor Country of origin to help his people and I was too pushy.
How pushy would you be to save your child, your family? How much more credit when you love others as much as your self and you are too pushy to help them.
I am thankful for those who do not share my same faith but do share what we are doing here.
Their faithfulness will outshine many who claim a better way.
Jesus said: Luk 18:8 “…Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? “
He was speaking of Christians. He wasn’t looking for faith from non-Christians obviously.
When I first started this journey, we did not even have the money for the plane. I prayed and said to God, if this is your will, I know you will supply the funds.
Right after that I received an email from a Filipina in Dubai. She asked for references because she said she saw our website and wanted to donate to the Mission. Shortly thereafter I received a check that covered the expense of the flight as well as paying to ship some of my books.
I found out after , that it was this woman’s client who was sending the check and he wasn’t a Christian.
Then God spoke to my heart and told me that if the Christians would not support me that He would cause the others to do it and they would get the blessing.
Giving is for the giver. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world because he follows a Godly principle to give. He is probably the most generous man in the world. He’s not a Christian and he doesn’t support Christian ventures but he does follow God’s principle of giving and he reaps the rewards. How much more for Christians that obey God’s word?
If you know of our plight and God has spoken to you and you have ignored it than it is in your hands.
God will not speak to everyone to help but God forbid those that He speaks to and refuses the call.
Our many thanks to those of you who have been supporting this work. We love and appreciate you.