June 28, 2024SEPTEMBER 2024 UPDATE
August 27, 2024
Pro_22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Today my daughter Linda went for her college interview. She will be attending Bob Jones Memorial Bible College this coming month. Laura is going into her senior year at U.P. Anne Christine has graduated. Shenir is going into the third year. Don Don and Genesis have one more year. Kisha will begin on her second year college. Maria Christina is just starting nursing college. Jessa and Rosalyn are going into their third year. Kyle is graduating this year and will start eight months of training as a Seaman. Jorick and Eljohn will start their first year. All these success stories begin and end with our supporters. Without the funds, they would not have this chance. I ask you now to give what you can as we push toward the end goal. When graduated, these young people will have good careers and will be able to help others in our Church. We are near that point. Help us get there.

These young people started attending our Church at a very young age. We trained them well in the Scriptures and their lives reflect it.
We start them young

We train them up!

And they grow well!

This is the PBC Family. They attend all the services not just some. They door knock every Saturday. They are either mentors or mentees. They are a credit to Christianity. They can use your funds to get them through school.
God Bless all who support this ministry with their finances and prayers.