July Update 2018
July 20, 2018September Update 2018
September 27, 2018

Why do we say that? Because it is.
Those who are ignorant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will perish unless they are educated to make an informed decision.
Knowing Christ is based primarily on studying His word through the provoking of the Holy Spirit.
At PBC, we believe all education is important. Whether it be Christian, academic, moral, musical or technical, it all goes to making someone more open to the Word of God.
Our Educational/ Music Ministry
We have exciting news. A student working on her thesis, whom we already know and her abilities as well for her love of God, has chosen our Church to work with the music students to increase their abilities. This would involve teaching as well as preparing them to do a recital at the University of the Philippines.
Needless to say, our students are excited.
We also will be having our annual Music Fest this November 3rd after Door Knocking.
We bought 7 more recorders and now have 32 recorder players not to mention all the other musicians. To God be the glory!
Our doorknocking continues every Saturday with a minimum of 60 people participating. They love serving. We received tracts from IloIlo as well as from Batangas and we should be set for a while.
We also enrolled two college students at Far Eastern University and took care of an ALS certificate so one of our students can attend college by next year.
Our own children’s, (Laura and Linda) school books arrived from the U.S. yesterday. Laura is in the last grade of high school and will attend U.P. next year and Linda will be in the 8th grade. They have certainly grown these 12 years.
We are obtaining two more NSO Certificates tomorrow so two of the younger children can attend school. |
Many thanks to our supporters for their love for this ministry. Your support makes all these wonderful things happen.
Thank you to VFN who sent 3 more boxes for a total of 28. PBC is getting supplies that we sorely need.
Our air-con, organ and amplifier were all fixed. Praise God!
As you know I had a 30 year old Jeep that we repaired on a regular basis. Well, I sold that and I am buying a new car. This one is only 28 years old. It is a 1990 Nissan Sentra. It is having all the door locks and window slides repaired, then it will go to Nissan for a paint job, new exhaust system, seats and doors re-upolstered and a check up.
If anyone would like to contribute to this restoration, please click here:
