We want to ask you that if you never read these newsletters PLEASE hit unsubscribe.
You are taking up important Space.
don’t want to sound rude but we are allowed a certain amount of names
on our mailing list and if you are not interested, you are only hurting
us by staying.
The Reason for this Newsletter
Missionaries normally report back to their supporters
every three months or so to let them know the progress
going on where they serve. We do it every month for a couple of reasons.
#1 We have a lot going on and are excited to share that news with
people who care about us.
#2 We look to touch people’s hearts so that they might help support us.
So, if you are not actively supporting us financially, and /or prayerfully and have no intention of doing so, please hit that unsubscribe button.
What did Moses say? Whoever is on the Lord’s side come here
and if not, stay there. You might be supporting a lot of work and
that’s great but if you are not supporting us, give us room to perhaps
mail to someone who will.
By the way, if you been saying for the last six years or so
that you really want to send us something, don’t wait until you are
rich. Click the donate button and send $5 or whatever you can. It is all
appreciated and we pray for our supporters daily.
are here to bring the people of Payatas to Jesus Christ. Period! Now
there are many application in which we do that but that is the bottom
We are baptizing every month. 
have every Saturday 50-65 people going throughout the Payatas bringing
the Gospel to the people in their homes and in the streets. We have two
man (or women) teams going out different days of the week to the parents
of the children who attend our Church.
bring them a couple of pounds of rice and some dried noodles which is a
welcomed and much needed gift in the land of the hungry. They set up
Bible studies and these people invite their neighbors. After ten-twelve
weeks they move on to the next home. We have a visitation team on
Saturday afternoon for special visitation. It includes those who visited
the Church, the sick, the family who just lost a loved one, whatever it
calls for. Additionally, each member is trained to present the Gospel
and does so in their travels, where they work and where they go to
school. Literally, thousands upon thousands have heard the word of God.
Back at the Church
Saturday door knocking we have a short time for merienda (a snack) and
break down into groups. Malou has a class upstairs in English while
Benedict is teaching note reading and guitar instruction as well as
ukelele and harmonica downstairs. Beverly has the choir practicing for
the songs for the service.
We also have a class on Wednesday where Malou teaches math.
Other ladies/men have children go to their homes to help them with
their studies. We teach them more than they are getting in school and
they are doing great.
What I just explained is how we are building these kids up
as people. People who are now sure of themselves and that have hope for
the future, Yet it is so much more because they know and see how we all
love them. We showed them Jesus and now every Bible study and every
service becomes near and dear to them. They believe. We don’t just have a
service, we do what Jesus did and meet their needs and improve their
lot and they see Jesus.
My kids did not attend school
this year because we did not have enough money. We received $150
towards the approximate $500 that we needed and hopefully we will raise
enough for next year. It’s September, are any of your children not going
because of lack of funds? But this is not why I am not satisfied. My
children are three years ahead of the average student in America plus
they are also musically talented, know current events and most important
love the Lord. We have more than most.
I have a beat up 21 year old car that breaks down every
week. As you complain it cost $100 to fill up your new car with fuel,
kneel down and thank God for what you have. Yet that is not why I am not
I saw my father, mother and sister die while I was serving
and never having a furlough in six years, they never got to meet my wife
or children. Yet that doesn’t bother me.I see some missionaries posting
about all their trips, vacations, wonderful food they are eating but
that doesn’t bother me. I praise God for the work that we are
accomplishing here through Christ.( I can go on but I won’t)
Why I am not satisfied is because we have to move from our
rented little Church building and we have no place to go. We found a
compound that has buildings on it for $1.6 million dollars and it would
take another $3.4 million to finish it off with a sanctuary which would
hold over 2,000 people and a mission quarters where ten or more
missionaries could come and help saturate Payatas with the Gospel and a
outside covered court where we could show Jesus movies, have gospel
music and in all have preaching of the word to thousands upon thousands.
I am not satisfied because although we have shared with thousands we
have not reached all of Payatas. That was my vision and I believe it is
what God gave to me.
Someone just bought Babe Ruth’s shirt for $4.4 million
dollars. I suspect that God could motivate a person that can spend that
much on so little, to donate to bring the Gospel to an entire Barangay.
Or, perhaps God will do it at $5 at a time.

If you can’t send the $4 million needed for the Payatas Compound here are some other things we could use:
$350 for my kids to go to school
$948 for a great used piano
$142 each for 2 Clarinet (wood)
Any kind of musical instruments, sheet music, books
We are a 501 (3) c Non Profit organization please visit our site at: Payatas Mission Outrech, Inc.
God bless you as you bless others- Pastor Jack, Malou, Laura and Linda