News From The Field
We had two
persons come for Baptism this month. One of them was a child and one was
an adult. In the children’s class, five actually came forward for
baptism but after speaking with them we realized they just did not get
it yet so only the one was baptized.
Additionally, one adult came forward for membership.-
Our class
taught by Sister Malou is doing great. One little girl was the only one
who stood up in her class at her school when the teacher asked for a
volunteer to read something in English.
The other day a
couple of the children approached Malou and asked her if they could
have Church the next day as they were off from school! Imagine that!
My wife looked
over in class one day and noticed a couple of the students sharing the
Gospel with a new kid. From the youngest to the oldest, they love to
share the word!
We will have our first wedding ceremony here at PBC this coming October the third.
Our very own Sister Alize Calzada of Rodriguez will be marrying brother Michael Smith of Michigan.
We all are very excited for them.
Our fourth Anniversary of PBC will be the first Sunday in November and we are looking forward to a grand old time in the Lord.
If anyone would like to donate for a lechon or for any other expenses, please feel free.
We were able to distribute clothes, toys and school supplies because of the generous giving of of faithful supporters.
We also have
four Balikbayan boxes coming out of California with many supplies much
needed for our home and to help with the Church School.
If anyone has anything to be sent, there are boxes going out of Mira Loma , California.
If you can get the stuff there.
 September 1,, 2010
Imagine if you were told that you had NO MORE HEALTHCARE?
If you were about to deliver your baby and found out
that you were on your own. If you were hit by a car it would be just too
bad. Can you imagine that?
When we started Payatas Baptist Healthcare
it was to try to stem the tide of those who would not receive basic
medical exams because of lack of money. We have been able to detect
those with contagious diseases such as T.B. and refer some over to
specialty organizations for suspected cancer. This type of help is
crucial to society and yet many would not see a doctor unless this free
service was provided to them but because of lack of funds, many would
get worse, spread sickness to others and miss the opportunity of even
continuing to live because of none or late diagnosis.
The last clinic we opened prospered because even though
the people were poor, they were able to buy the medications and we were
able to pay the staff and expenses. Here in the poorest area of Payatas,
many can not afford the medications. Many times we supplied the meds
out of our own personal expenses. The staff has forgone their salaries.
Sometimes part and sometimes their entire salary.
Unfortunately, this cannot continue, so We placed a fleece before the Lord.
We have decided to make a plea for supporters who will give on a continual basis
to keep the clinic open and ministering to the thousands here who need
help. The amount needed is $500 per month. That is 10 people at $12.50
per week or 20 at $6.50 per week… You get the idea.
SEND NO MONEY now. This is what I propose. If you are desiring to help keep this clinic open, send us an email (click here)
and let us know how much you are willing to give every week/month. If
we meet our goal of $500 per month, by September 30, we will send you an
email asking for your support starting the first week of October. If we
do not make the goal, we will email you to tell you.
Remember, it does not matter whether we get 1 person giving $500 per month or 500 giving $1 per month.
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are in the midst of some exiting times.
I believe much of Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. Who knows when we will face our creator?
Whether that day be today, tomorrow or years from now, what will be the expression on your face when you see Him?
Will it be one of a faithful servant who has done all they
could to please our Father? After all, we were made to please Him. Will
it be regret for the opportunities we missed to help those who have no
I think of one scene in the movie Schindler’s list when he
looks down at his ring and with regret wonders how many lives he could
have saved with it.
Our worldy life will eventually pass away and if we know the
Lord as our Saviour, we will be taken to a place that right now we can
not describe. Now is so temporary. Yet sometimes we live as if we will
be here forever.
Please, Help save Payatas.
Pastor Jack, Sister Malou,
Laura & Linda
