January 2013
January 1, 2013February 2013
February 2, 2013What is a Missions trip?
Recently I read about how one should prepare for a missions trip and it brought to mind a phrase coined by John Lennon which was, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.”
Now someone’s first thought might have been, he quoted John Lennon, he must be anti-Christian or something.
All truth is God’s truth no matter who said it.
The idea of preparation (at least what I read) was a bit funny but at the same time , sad as it was misleading.
Let me tell you my own experience.
The article says you need to plan your expenses- We (My wife and I) did not. We set a date.
Now if God has called you, He will pay for it and no matter how small the amount raised, you need to walk by faith and not by sight. We thought we raised $750 per month. We actually raised $550. The discrepancy was Pastors who said they would support us and then did not. Some of those Pastors were from where we are ministering.
The next thing was to prepare for your travel expenses. We prayed and said to God, “Father, if this is your missions trip, we know you will provide.” A man from Dubai who was not a Christian provided all we needed for airfare and shipping of goods.
The next step was we needed to have a place to live. My wife mentioned that her sister owned a vacant house in Montalban which was 20 minutes from our field of mission. I asked her to call her and ask if we could rent it. She said no, you can live there fore free. It was fully furnished and we lived there for 3&1/2 years. During that time I prayed and asked God for a larger house. My sister in law called and said she needed the house for her son. I laughed as I knew God was giving me a larger place and He did.
We have what I consider, one of the most successful ministries in Payatas. Take a look: http://www.payatasbaptistchurch.org
The point of this article is if God has told you to go, follow His lead and do it. I was told I should live in a condo, I was told I should have $4,000 per month to live on. (We are presently living and supporting the Church on about $1,200 per month after six years) I was told I should return to the States to solicit more funds. My thought is, if I have to do that, I am depending on me and not God. God has sent us new supporters without my returning to the States.
Be careful, if it’s not really God’s will, you will return home as many have with more money than we have. Yet if God is in control, you will do fine.
We walk by faith, not by sight!