February 2009
February 2, 2009April 2009
April 22, 2009Month by month God never runs out of things to do here in Payatas.
We were given 65 bags which contained in each one, a pair of sneakers, a pair of shorts and a shirt and we cheerfully handed them out to the poor kids in our area. Something so simple to us is like Christmas to these kids. They have so little.
Malou along with some other ladies, put on a Teacher�s Seminar to prepare somewhere around 200 teachers for the classroom. It turned out to be a blessing to all who attended. I had the honor of speaking at one of the meetings.
God is so good as you can read in any of our monthly updates however if you notice, He never hands us anything personally. He always uses others. Why? So others can be blessed by sharing in the work.
With that said, we will ask you to help us where you are able and above all, please pray for the following needs.
1- We have a fund raiser going on now on Facebook. I hope this link will work: Save the Payatas Kids! If you go there, you will be able to help send a child to Christian Camp for four nights and five days. We have sent the children these last two years and it has made such a difference in their lives. This year we would pray to raise $1000 so we can send fifty kids. Twenty dollars each provides the camp, snacks while there and the transportation. Won�t you go there and pledge to send at least one child? If you leave your name and address, we will have the child write you when he gets back to tell you how you have helped him. 2- Every year we have paid only about 350 pesos and have received training and materials to put on some really wonderful Vacation Bible Schools. This year it has been delayed because of the economy. Pray that we will be able to get the materials and put on the VBS. Last year we had over 100 children. 3- My daughter Laura has finished the third grade and needs to start the fourth. Although the A.C.E. program, through donors, pays for the basic books, they do not pay for special books, shipping, registration and customs. All that comes to $300. They will not let Laura start school without the funds. Please pray. 4- Pray for all the grant requests we sent out. We are looking to build and are praying some generous foundation will help us to do that.
God has been blessing us with new souls being saved on a daily basis. We will be having another baptism ceremony this coming Sunday.
We are doing the best we are able to do. Pray for our strength, encouragement and funding. Thanks to all of you who have been more than generous to this ministry. Your hand is with ours as we plow together.
God Bless as you respond to His voice! Pastor Jack & Malou Wilson