I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
This song came to my mind and reminded me of two things.
1: I just had cataract surgery and from what I understand,
in about six weeks
I will be able to sing that song. The surgery itself was a miracle.
I had gone to Medical city and the doctor told me it would cost
P200,000 for one eye. That's about $4,000. I have read where many
Filipinos go blind because they can not afford the surgery. After
searching the internet we found a charity hospital which would do it
for p3600 (about $70)
When I met the doctor he told me that he was sad that I had been here
for twelve years helping filipinos and I had to travel so far to get help. So he
said I should only pay p600. (about 11 dollars) It was amazing. What a
wonderful man who donates his time to help others. After it was over,
he gave us the P600 back!
#2 It reminded me of all the people here we presented the Gospel who
can now see clearly .Those dark clouds that had them blind had passed
and the sun was bright and hopeful.
Thank you Jesus for your mercy.
Baptisms: We had three. First was Vincent and two today, Dell and Ding.
Dell and DingVincent
They are incredible. they sent 2 boxes in May, and 2 Boxes in June
Not to mention all the other ones that they sent. students and
families are receiving things they would not be able to get on their
Laura and Linda are just about finished for this year.
Laura has one last year and then off to college. Can
you believe it? We came here and Laura was up to my
hip and Linda was in a basket. Time flys.
We are still looking for available (and cheap) land so
we can build a couple of small houses for deserving
families. For you who donated to that fund it is
intact and in the bank. Pray that it grows and becomes
We have acquired two more birth certificates so a
couple of kids can attend school and we enrolled a
couple more in college. The 20 year plan is working.
Many thanks to our supporters for your
consistent help to us. If you are not a supporter but
feel God telling you to give, here ya go: